Genuine Abortion Pills Online Pharmacy

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Buy Abortion Pill Pack Online to terminate unwanted pregnancy with ease.

By ,  Abortion Pill Pack

Want to make an end to unplanned pregnancy? Then choose Abortion Pill Pack, that’s the right pack of pill to release your abortion stress. Woman can choose this pill to do medical abortion at home with ease if the pregnancy is of less than 10 weeks. This pack contains 2 main pills such as Mifepristone and Misoprostol. These 2 pills help to empty the pregnancy contents from the womb. This pack has 3 kinds of medicines antiemetic, blood coagulant, anti-inflammatory. This medicine helps to reduce the side effects. If woman choose to terminate unwanted pregnancy using Abortion Pill Pack then she doesn’t need to go for doctors or any surgical participation. Hence it is a smart choice to Buy Abortion Pill Pack online for doing medical abortion.



Composition of Abortion Pill Pack

Online Abortion Pill Pack made of 4 Misoprostol Pills which is 200mg each, 1 Mifepristone pill which is of 200mg. These 2 pills are major in doing medical abortion. Ethamsylate, Flexon-MR, Zofran or Ondansetron are the medicines which help to manage the side effects.

Working mechanism of Abortion Pill Pack

Mifepristone is a pill helps in stopping progesterone hormone causing pregnancy to progress. It also widens Cervix and removes the fetus from the endometrial lining. Pregnancy parts start getting loosened when the nutrition and oxygen supply cuts off to fetus. Uterus line which is holding the fetus gets broken then cramping and bleeding will begin.

Misoprostol is a pill which is a prostaglandin analogue helps for the contractions of the womb. This pill plays a vital role in oozing out the pregnancy parts from the uterus. These pills help in accelerating the Mifepristone mechanism by causing the strong uterine contractions. This pill disposes all the fetal parts remains completely through the vagina causing heavy bleeding.

Usage and dosage of Abortion Pill Pack

First intake Mifepristone 200mg with a glass of water orally. It is fine to consume pill with or without food in the beginning of unwanted pregnancy termination. 24-48 hours of time later consume 4 pills Misoprostol (200mg each) keep it inside the cheek pouches. 30 minutes later contents will be dissolved. To restrict the side effects you can avail the benefits of 3 medicines such as Zofran or Ondansetron, Ethamsylate, Flexon – MR.

Reasons to buy Abortion Pill Pack          

This package of pills are of self administrative. Out of 100% of people 98% experienced successful medical abortion. No need to visit doctor or once or twice you may need to visit. These are the cheapest abortion pill online available now. Easily one can end unwanted pregnancy at home easily.

Mifepristone may cause nausea, vomiting, and stomach ache. Misoprostol can cause dizziness, headache, diarrhea, abdomen pain. Abortion pill pack contains other three medicines, which control the Mifepristone and Misoprostol side effects. Considering all these benefits one can go for Abortion Pill Online USA for terminating undesired pregnancy.

Precautions need to be considered while consuming Abortion Pill Pack

Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, consumption of grape fruit juice, Fried and oil foods and excess of spicy foods. Do not intake any drugs which cause any allergies and reactions which may trigger side effects. Please take proper rest do not perform heavy physical activities. If you are allergic to the medicinal component of Abortion Pill Pack then please do not consume it. Abortion Pill Pack should not be used if woman having ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy is greater than 10 weeks, more than 35 years of age, people suffering from severe kidney, heart, blood, lever or any other adrenal glands, diabetes, hypertension, breathing issues.