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Women can buy MTP Kit online and terminate unwanted pregnancy

By ,  Mtp Kit

Did you know what is MTP Kit?

Buy MTP Kit online, which is composed of 5 tablets in total, 4 Misoprostol of 200mcg each and 1 Mifepristone of 200mg. To cease unwanted pregnancy these both pills will work together in an effective manner.

Did you know how MTP Kit works?

The single pill Mifepristone plays the role to inhibit the function of progesterone. Mifepristone is a generic pill which is present in the MTP Kit that is responsible for detaching the developing fetus in early pregnancy duration. The Mifepristone pill is also a generic pill is mainly plays role of abortion pill, it is going to cause the uterine contractions, it also dilates cervix because it should be easy to eliminate the abortion contents out of the body from the uterus. Hence in this combo both pills in the MTP Kit are helpful to terminate the unwanted pregnancy in women easily at home with less cost.

For using MTP Kit, what are the contraindications?

For ectopic pregnancy MTP Kit is not the solution. MTP kit is not recommended for people who are suffering from health issues such as high BP, unusual vaginal building. Hypersensitivity and kidney or liver disorders. Girls who are below 18 years age should not use MTP Kit. Lactating Mothers also should not use MTP Kit medication.

Dosage and usage of MTP Kit

For accomplishing the effective and complete abortion, Both Mifepristone and Misoprostol should be consumed as per the instruction. First In empty stomach women should consume Mifepristone pill orally with water. After 2 days, one must consume rest four tablets of Misoprostol at once. These tablets can be taken in 2 ways, ie, tablets can be taken through the vaginal insertion or through the oral route. After pills consumption, the 14th day or the 15th day one must undergo medical examination to make sure whether the pregnancy is completely terminated or aborted.

What are the side effects of using MTP Kit?           

Some of the side effects are nausea, dizziness, abdominal cramps, slight headache, vomiting sensation or blurred vision. This is not the complete set of side effects there can be anyother minor symptoms too. But these side effects will not last for longer duration, hence, there is no need to worry. If any situation, where the health condition gets critical or causes any severe effects on body, then it is recommended to take the proper medical assistance.

While using MTP Kit what are the precautions need to be taken?

If any chance your using Intrauterine device, then it must be removed before the consumption of MTP Kit tablets. After an abortion, until and unless the bleeding is stopped, it is not recommended to make any kind of sexual intimacy. It is suggested to consume healthy and proper diet for the better recovery, don’t take any physical stress. For faster recovery don’t try to attempt any shortcut tasks or medicines or any activities.

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