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Super P Force- The fabulous pill for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

By ,  Super P-Force

It is very necessary that you do satisfy your girl if you want your relationship to grow stronger. Sometimes men are unable to get a stiff erection and due to this, you are unable to satisfy your girl. Now there are many of the remedies which are available and you can use them to get your erection back. There are two issues-Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation which effects men’s erection and these disorders don’t allow men to work well in bed. Hence as a remedy to this combination of disorder, you can now buy super P Force which is approved by the FDA.

About the meds

Super P Force is the medicine which contains two active elements which are Sildenafil Citrate 100mg and Dapoxetine 60mg. This is the proven solution which works on early erection issues and premature ejaculation problem.

Working of the pill

Super P Force contains sildenafil citrate which works on the erection by replacing the PDE5 enzymes by cGMP enzymes and helps men to have an erection. Dapoxetine medicine in this pill works on the ejaculation of men and helps men to enjoy intercourse for a long time. Before you use this med make sure that you do consult your health care provider as this medicine stays active in your body for 4-5 hours and helps you to get this disorder treated.


These meds do not let you down and help you get the disorder effectively treated. You just need to take care that if you consume this pill with fatty foods then it can affect the working of the pill. Along with this, you need to be careful as this pill works only when you are aroused sexually. This medicine works differently for everyone and when you start using this medicine it may not show you desired results within the first use.

After effects

Once you order Super P Force you can get your disorder treated but there are some of the side effects which can affect you. Some of the mild effects that you can come across are feeling thirsty, lightheadedness, increased sensitivity towards the light, back pain and blur vision. Other than the mild effects you can experience some of the serious side effects like heart attack, severe dizziness and priapism. There are chances that these side effects get worse and hence you may need to seek medical help to get them treated.


  • If you experience the sudden loss of erection then you need to stop using this drug from treating erection issues and ejaculation problem.
  • If you experience an erection for more than 5 hours and if the erection is painful then you need to seek immediate help from the health care provider.
  • You need to refrain from the consumption of alcohol and grapefruit juice.
  • While you begin the use of this medicine you can feel dizzy and hence you are suggested that you do avoid the driving or involving in work which requires alertness.
  • If you start experiencing seizure you need to stop using this medicine and seek help from health care provider.